the senior editor/janitor and i were walking to Taco Bell for some lunch and we saw Hanky Panky. I'm looking at it this way.....if for any reason you need Hanky or Panky it's close.
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The California edition of dport7 has been established and is under way. So far the work experience has consisted of fixing pictures in photoshop for the company web site. Not the most fun but none the less work. Please stay tuned to dport7 for more California fun. Oh..wait I have a member of the staff to introduce. Ian J. Swanson the senior editor and janitor for the california dport7..
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California....California.....here we come.....so i live in california and it is crazy. This is my third day and i still haven't seen a cloud in the sky. The good news is i have a place to live. It looks just like the apt. in Mulholland Drive. Very strange. I have a lemon tree in font of the Apt. Check it out.
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Today on my last entry in cincinnati i would like to do some public service. The picture you se below is Phil Anderson. This is just one of his many prison pictures. For those of you that have daughters please lock them up because this self proclaimed lady killer is once again on the streets..The staff At Dport7 urges you to keep this in mind.....Phil Anderson....Watch OUT.....
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so i'm still killer sick. First off I'd like to thank the dport7 faithful for their support throughout my illness. I have received uncountable notes of well wishes from....you my friends........ Wait let me try and count.....uh ONE... I guess the rest of the well wishes got lost between the seats of the email truck....
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I'am still uber sick. I had to call off work today at the Apple Store. I'm sad about it because this is the only job I've ever had that i like. Forgive me Apple forgive me. Only one day left.....Sad...
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The staff at Dport7 would like to apologize for the lack of pictures in the log. The staff has unfortunately fallen ill. With just days before the move the young fellow has contracted a nasty cold.....solution ....eat...
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I noticed today that my neighbor here in cincinnati has 4 bowling balls in her front yard. Style has reached a new frontier when bowling ball landscaping has hit the scene. Dport7 faithful don't forget it's tax day. Pay or go to prison...
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Today is tax day. Let me tell you I'm not at all happy about it. Now here in this public forum I'd like to tell the national government that I really don't think I've made enough money to tax. So let's just call this hole thing off and get a bit to eat....
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HAPPY Easter from the staff at Dport7.com...
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I got in the car and I just kept driving. Like Cyndi Lauper i drove all night and made it to Savannah to visit Kate before I shove off to california. I know what your thinking paul's crazy....I agree........updated from Savannah..
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I spent most of today trying to figure out how to get myself prepared to join life on the west coast. As always I turned to pop culture to tell me what to do. I made a little trailer about my experience Click on the OC pic and watch....
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So I know now that in no way do I fit in Cincinnati. Today I found out that I will in fact be moving to California. That's right dport7 faithful the home base is moving to the left coast. Maybe I'll fit there. I know the pic is San Francisco but I'm trying to represent all of Cali. I'll be trucking to Palo Alto.......word.
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Oh the joys of April Fools, only once a year. A time to trick your friends and co-workers into believing falsehoods. Even if just for a moment that some thing amazing or horrific has happened. I'd like to apologize for my lack of participation this year. Forgive me world Forgive...
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