Friends and dport7 faithful i have returned on this Memorial Day weekend to my home, my safe house...dport7. I'm sorry for the neglect but the working world has enslaved me and I have been unable to break free. I type this entry now from work. There is no Memorial Day weekend for Paul. As tears of frustration fill my eyes, I say good day......
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Today ian was talking about Sci-Fi and I admitted that I was not a fan. I then said "dude name two people that are sci-fi fans." He paused and said"uh Will Shatner..then...uh..........Jenny Craig." Not only will Jenny Craig help you lose weight but she can beam you up...rock.......
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today ian and I had the discussion that the possum is the most hated animal in the world. OH The Plight of the Possum... Ian pointed out that the possum is in fact the poor man's racoon.......Check out the gas prices it's murder out here.......
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I know the dport7 faithful may have become worried due to the fact that the entries as of late have been scarce. I've been working a lot but I have had one observation as of late. The Commish who is now on the Shield, is the poor mans Bruce Willis... think about it.........
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Folks I need your help. A man that has made this world what it is today has been captured. This philanthropist is apparently being held against his will. This man, this genius must be saved so write your senator and congress men for his immediate release. Colonel Sanders we believe in you....
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Almost done with work for the day so hooray.... This weekend was fun I visited San Francisco where I found the golden gate bridge and mountains galore to explore. Have no fear dport7 faithful paul hasn't become an outdoors man he's just left his house. Click on the picture below to see a movie of San Fran...
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