So tonight the Reds game was really bad, three home runs in a row(for the other team). Then we went to the Village
and it was lame till Aaron's friend Page showed up. She's cool and helped out...
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Tonight Aaron, John and I ventured out to some local taverns and bars. First up was Shady O'Grandy's which may I say felt like home. The bar tender was cool and laughed at my jokes and the other people there seemed real. Then it was off to the Village Tavern where everyone was lame. They had karaoke and it sucked..
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So as you all know last night John, Aaron, and i went to see Hall and Oates here in Cincinnati. I must say it was a bit of a disappointment. Private Eyes was not sung neither was Rich Girl. Other than that the people at the concert where just weird. Some guy that said he was mildly retarded took my camera from me and took my picture, and some girl showed Aaron her boob and took a picture with him....lesson learned Hall and Oates = weird people..
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So today my brother and i went on a shopping trip to make him more fly. Things went well and John will soon be an unstoppable ladies man. I did no buying just watched money flow out of John's pockets. I did although snap a picture of myself in a def hat......I know I look drunk in the pic but I swear I'm not..
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1. I hate Cingular they lie to me and steel my money. If you see someone that works for Cingular kick them..

2. If you tie kittens together they are much easier to catch.

3. If you go to one movie this summer make it Garden State
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Well folks I'm back in Defiance Ohio. Finding my roots and trying to help my parents out with their computer. Unfortunately the RAM i bought sucks so my trip is in vane. Any how the Urbn Cowboy, Aaron Shurts has asked that dport7 be updated so this entry is for you fool......dport7 would like to wish KATE good luck on getting her wisdom teeth out tomorrow..
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Kate went back to Colorado today so paul's hanging out by himself. You may be asking yourself : "When does Paul move to NYC?" The answer is September 3rd. Put it on your calendar, and wish the kid luck. I'm sitting here right now watching Purple Rain on VH1 wondering in fact; is this what it sounds like when doves cry?...
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Today was a fun filled day at the zoo. Cincinnati has a serious zoo to offer. Kate and I did our best to enjoy it. We made a little video for Dport7. So click on the picture below and enjoy..
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So if your ever looking to get an apartment in NYC take my advice and don't do it. The broker firms are completely out of there minds. You pay them a couple of thousand dollars to do nothing for you. I talked to the broker guy today and he started yelling at me. What an ass........I told him to take his broker lips and kiss my broker hating ass..
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Good morning faithful. I'm coming to you from the Lauvray household in Toledo Ohio (home of Brian Lauvray). Last night Kate, Brian, and I ripped up the Toledo night life with yet another night of Karaoke. Brian performed a version of "Rocket Man" that made the girls cry. Kate and I again put the fear of god in people with "Still the Same". As a group we killed with Wham's "Wake me up (before you go-go)". Enjoy the picture of Brain the rock god.........
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Well faithful since the last entry I've been on the road. First a funeral then more Karaoke. Last night Kate and i again brought the house down with Still the Same, soon to be the local favorite of Cincinnati. Notice in the picture how confused I look. I couldn't understand the lack of enthusiasm for our performance. Oh and the guy in charge of the Karaoke was a dick...
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Last night was hilarious. Kate, John, and i went to PEG's Bar out by the old hockey rink here in Cincinnati. It was Karaoke night, so we rocked. We all did a killer version of "We didn't start the fire" then Kate and i did the best "Still the Same" (bob seger) known to man. The bar filled with hicks loved it. I can't says will ever go back but we will always be remembered there..
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I'm in the airport with Kate and I've only got 3 more hours to wait. We got kicked out of the NYU dorms at 10am and the flight is at 3pm. Back to Ohio faithful. I took an internship with TODA , although unpaid at least I'm doing something..
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So I got an offer for the internship at Prime. That's cool. I just had my interview with TODA and it went well. I told them I already have an offer and they said they would call me tomorrow. I interview with POLLEN , tomorrow so it's exciting. Kate and I went to the Statue OF LIBERTY yesterday, and the bitch is still green (the statue) .
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I just had my interview with PRIME, and I think it went pretty well. It's not really paid and it's really small but it seems like a good environment. I talked to the current intern and he liked it so I might be in luck. I'll find out tonight at 5pm, pray for me faithful........pictures soon..
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Hello from Bryant Park Faithful. That's right Dport7 is again on the move and it's sights are set on NYC. I'm waiting here in the park for Kate to get lunch. The internet is free so I'm letting you all know. I just got contacted for another interview that makes 3. It's with TODA, . I have PRIME , tomorrow at 11am so today is haircut day.
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