have a safe time tonight. Brian Lauvray is here so I guess I'll end up in prison.
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So today i got a new cell phone. Although cingular continues to suck and gladly sells me cell phones that don't work, I'm trying again. I got the Motorola V220 and after making some calls it seems to work alright. It's got a USB port and it syncs with my mac so thats good. I guess that's all kinda nerdie but hey I have a webpage right? That webpage contains javascript. This phone really can't put a dent in my coolness. Anyway I have to change my number so for all of you that read the site and want to call here's the new paul number. 646.241.3216 (this may not be wise)
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With two days till christmas and my internship ending on the 23rd the folks a TODA asked me to stay on for another 3 months for a paid internship. I decided to accept the offer. The deal is that at the end of the three months if they still like me they may hire me full time. WOW who would have guessed. Have no fear my Apple Store friends I will not be leaving. I asked TODA for one day off a week so that I wouldn't have to complain to everyone how tired I'am all the time. I fly to Canton Ohio for christmas tomorrow so if i don't have a chance to post MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone.
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SO lastnight and into today was the first snow here in NYC. Surprisingly it stuck to the ground, so there was a bit of snow on the streets this morning. It's only December and it's colder than cold here. The rest of the winter is going to be crazy.
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So last night was the TODA Christmas party! To be honest it was a great time. We got 480 cubic feet of corn starch packing peanuts to simulate snow. To say the least it was FUN. As you can see from the picture I made a few new friends and had a good time in the process. i don't know who this guy was but he really loved the snow, and he wanted to talk to me about movies. i told him my favorite was "What About BOB" (he seemed unimpressed) check out the official TODA site for more pictures of everything.
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So with only a few shopping days left till Christmas your friend paul is screwed, for real. I haven't gotten anything for anyone. Although it looks like everyone on my list will get something from the apple store I'm going to try and go out tonight and get some non-nerd cool stuff. You would think being in NYC I might have it a little easier, but anyway you look at it shopping in December sucks.
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so today at the apple store Rob Corddry from the daily show it was the high light of my day. He asked me about a keyboard and my brain crashed because I'm easily star struck. Ok that's all i got besides that I'm busted tired.
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So i got a bluetooth mouse lastnight...... It's cool and I'm a tool for writting this in my blog....check it out.
My Mouse (sorry)
I got the silver one
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The shopping days till christmas are numbered and the light for christmas are burning bright here in NYC. I thought dport7 could use a little holiday cheer so enjoy the new opening pages posted special for the giving season. Oh and if your wondering what to get me for the Holidays....well thanks, just make it expensive and lavish and you can't go wrong.
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I'm excited because one of the perks of living in NYC is getting movies before the rest of the country. The new Wes Anderson movie comes out on December 10th here and i can't wait. It's called Life Aquatic It's staring my man Bill Murray, so it should be great. I recommend every one see it.
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