So it happened. I can say now that I paul diehl have a industrial design job. Just when we all thought it wouldn't happen it happened TODA offered me a job last week and today at 5:30pm I accepted. All I can say is that it's been a long horrible road to this point. I'd like to say it's going to get easier but I think its just going to just be less depressing. Design is long hours and high stress but I'm not really geared for much else. Anyway throw back a beer for me. He's a picture of my post hire excitement.
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So here it is the Fashion movie. Let me start by apologizing to those of you that have not downloaded Quicktime 7. So the deal is that the new H264 compression is the only way I can get my movie compressed small enough while retaining clarity. So I'm sorry if your unable to view the new movies. In other news it looks as if Raison Pure won't bit and I'll be remaining at TODA, which isn't a bad thing. Anyway take a look in Flicks for the new movie and let me know what you think.

So this just in: I'm here at starbucks using my free T-mobile internet and i came across this really cool new program for making simple websites with absoulutly NO effort. So for those of you with a dot mac account you have got to check this out. The program is called RapidWeaver so click on the link and download the demo I just did and let me say I'm impressed.
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Oh man things have been crazy since my last blog. First off i was in Savannah for Kate's Fashion show. Let me tell you it was amazing. Kate did beautiful work and everyone loved it. Kate also got to meet Tom Ford, and get her picture with him. If that wasn't enough i got to see all the old college friends. That was refreshing. It was great to see everyone and i can't wait till next time when ever that may be. Lastly is todays news. I had a interview with Raison Pure it went well so with any luck they'll ask me back for a follow up interview. When i got into TODA today my boss heard about my interview and finally offered me a job at TODA. I think they might me low balling me on the salary. NOT COOL......... Oh and look for a new movie from the fashion trip in flicks soon
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ok well things have slowed down now. The exhibition at work is over and everything went pretty well (maybe I'll put up a bit of video of it). This weekend i was a happy participant in a super 80's prom party. Although I think the prom theme was a bit lost the 80's theme stayed alive. I wore my members only jacket (thanks to jen) I danced a little and drank a bit too much (check out the pictures in frames). On wednesday I'm off to savanah for that fashion show. Can't wait.....:::::::update:::::: CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW FOR A SPECIAL MOVIE!!!!!!!!
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So this week is kinda slow. We're having a furniture exhibition in the office and I'm doing all the presentation work for it. I'm using MOTION to do it and as some of you might know video takes for ever to compress. So I'm spending a lot of the day just waiting. Anyway if your in the area on Friday night at 7pm and feel like stopping in, it open to the public so feel free. Just give me a call and I'll guide you here.
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It's friday so we know what that means. I have the day off to look for the all allusive job. To update, things aren't going well. No bites not even a nibble. SO what do I do. I've sent out over and over an it's not happening folks. I am now calling out to my friends and faithful. I think it may be time to dump Industrial Design for real. With that said I'm taking suggestion on what to do next with my struggling career. let me know
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so this is a test with a blogger widget this is crazy.
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so last night was crazy. I was meeting ian and his girl at this bar on the lower east side to see some band, and on the way I stopped in at the American Apparel and low and behold the owner of the entire chain was their. Let me tell you the dude looks crazy and is crazy. I think you could probably say crazy in a good way. Anyway in my star struck state I asked him for a picture.
So this is me and the american apparel dude.
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