So I'm sorry it's been a while since the last post, but a lot has gone on. First, last friday was my last day a TODA. Sadly I have to move on but I will miss all the friends I made there. On Friday night through Sunday night Kate and I visited Ocean City NJ. The Beach House was amazing and the beach was great. On Saturday i got so burned I'm still having trouble raising my arms and sleeping. It's my own fault. Anyway I made a slide show of both events so give it a look. Click on the image below!

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So as the days wind down on my life in my Shitty Hell's Kitchen Apartment I felt the need to alert you the dport7 faithful that my shitty apartment just happens to be right next door to the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Wow right! The sad part of this story is that I've never seen Jon and I've never been able to make it to a taping of the show, although I watch it every night. Anyway just kind of a fun NYC fact. So if you ever visit check out the Daily Show at 52St. and 11th Ave.
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So I went to Coney Island this weekend, which should be renamed the trashiest place on earth. OH MAN. My parents were in town and had never been and wanted to see what all the talk was about so we went. We will never return. My good friend Michele Mikeska was in town visiting my good friend Allie Fletcher. We met up both friday and Saturday night for fun and hilarity. It was great to see them because they bring fun that just will not stop. Anyway I feel really tired all of the sudden so I'm out! Check out pics from this weekend in FRAMES.
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Oh man such good news to report. First off some how I got a week off between leaving Toda and starting at G2. Oh Man that's HUGE. Then Kate called and said that her boss invited the staff and their boyfriends to her Ocean City beach house in NJ. Not this weekend but the week after. OH man that's HUGE. For this weekend the parents are coming to visit along with a visit from my good friend Michele Mikeska (who is always a delight). I'm worried that all this good news is going to have a mean ending. Naw it's cool. Now if only I could get the rest of you to come visit!
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TOO much news everyone. First off check out the map and see were my new apartment is. We went and signed the lease and took another look at the place and to say the least I'm excited. In other news I got a new JOB oh yeah you read right. I didn't want to say anything till it was for sure but G2 here in New York contacted me about a month-ago out of the blue and asked me to come and interview. After an entire month and 3 interviews last thursday I was offered the job. The most exciting part is that my yearly salary has almost doubled. WHAT? Yeah! I'm finally getting paid for what I do. Another bonus is that i don't have to make models anymore so my sucking in cancer dust is over for the time being. HOORAY HOORAY.
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So much has happened. I'll keep it short. First off Ian and I got an Apt. in Brooklyn and to say the least we like it. The rooms are three times as big and it's all brand new. I'll write more on that when we move in Sept. 1. Kate also found an Apt. with some college friends In Queens, sadly that's pretty far from me in Brooklyn. Second Ian, Kate, and I went to the Mets vs. Cubes game on sunday. Cubes lost and we had shitty seats, but I think over all it was a good time. Ian and I consumed too much hot-dogs beer and peanuts, and felt it Monday morning. Last but NOT least my brother JOHN DIEHL is quoted in the Cooperstown local paper about the Baseball Hall of Fame induction. The man is famous check it out!
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So this weekend i decided that I wanted to own a G4 Cube. I know what your saying "Paul stop being such a nerd and pull your head out of your ass" , but I couldn't help it. So I found one on craigslist and bought it. I got it yesterday and brought it home, and let me tell you after I put OSX Tiger on it it ran like a champ. I plan to use it as a server so that my external hard-drive is always plugged in and read to receive info. It's kinda like having a external hard-drive wirelessly. I'm a tool, but i love it.
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Paul and the entire staff here at dport7 would like to wish KATE a happy happy birthday. Although I had the entire staff out on the streets of New York trying to find Kate an orange kitten for her birthday sadly we failed, but we got her the next best thing! I'll take a picture later and post it right here tomorrow.
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