Well the holiday weekend is over and it's time to go back to work. To be honest it didn't even feel like we had 4 days off. I think someone stole friday right out from under me. Saturday was only 6 hours long and Sunday, well don't even get me started. Because of this time loss phenomenon I've decided I need to make the weekends more of an event than just a time to rest. Last weekend (before thanksgiving) kate ian and I wanted to go on a spontaneous road trip. Unfortunately you can't rent a car in manhattan for under $300 (BALLS!). So this weekend I want to try and bring that idea back to life and try to get out of the NYC prison. Any thoughts on where to go (by train) Let me know. Oh and of course all members are invited to come along!
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Happy Thanksgiving everyone from your friends at dport7.com. I'm at Kate's house today for the festivities and she's roste'n up a 19 pounder for all of us. Oh and if your in to nostalgia check out last years thanksgiving at dport7
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proclaim it from the mountains and sing it from the hills. The children will laugh and play and the women will cry with tears of joy. Men from around the world have given handshakes of congratulations to each other for the DELL computer war is over. Yes yesterday the war ended with one last bloody struggle. Fedex of course couldn't deliver when I'm at home so i had to go to the brooklyn industrial park (kinda sketchy). Had to call a car service to get it home but i did. When I opened the box i found a white dell piece of shit, but it had a better hard drive and was over all a better system. Check it out man I think this one might just work out.
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There is a single word that just makes me ill. It's a corporate buzzword and I'm afraid if i hear it one more time in a speech or a meeting I will leave the room crying because the blood gushing out of my ears hurts soo bad. That word is synergy. Oh no don't ask me what it means because i have NO clue. I would ask someone else and I'm pretty sure they would dance around the definition till i gave up and walked away. What am i going to do about synergy you ask. I tell you. I (and I encourage you) will walk away in disgust from anyone whoring this word around and dually make fun of them behind their back. That's how shit gets done in this country and I'm happy to follow the code.
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First off dport7 would like to thank tony forbes for his visit. I think we all had a good time and relived the glory days probably a few to many times. Other than that the weather here in NYC has been delightful the past two weeks. On monday in the elevator at work this women fraught with insanity said out load that she felt it was a bit too warm outside. I decided not to slap her although a don't think anyone else in the elevator would have blamed me. It's like people can't even hear what their saying, please put an end to this. Lastly if your looking for new music check out pandora. It's cool, it's like a radio station you control. Give it a shot.
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So I'm 25 now and to be honest it's not as bad as i thought. We went to the Lake Shore Bar and it was cool. The band was not so cool but the photo booth was. Tony Forbes my old neighbor from college was in town along with friend of dport7 Jay (number2). It was great to see those guys on my birthday. Of course Kate and Ian were there and surprised me with aJack Spade man bag and some glasses from bodum. All and all it was a great birthday and thanks to nicole, rebbeca and cool ethan for stopping by for a drink.


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come to the lake side lounge at 10pm to help me celebrate
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if you haven't heard today is the day my friends and dport7 faithful. At long last we have released another dport7 feature film. It's called drop off and it's about a boy with a dream. If your an member check your email for your special announcement. If your not a member (why?) just click below or on flicks to enjoy the new dport7 creation. Leave a comment and let us know what you think, the staff has been working hard on this one and loves the input.
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did this weekend even happen? I really don't think it did. If you were here and asked me what i did I would say absolutely nothing. Well except for friday night. My old friends at TODA were saying good bye to Jessie Pervola truly an asset to NYC but sadly we're loosing her to Chicago. Dport7 wishes her good luck. I took some pictures at the party and it was great to see everyone over there.
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where does the weekend go? Some say it goes to the dogs, I say it goes to Old English. If you haven't seen kate and I went to Rebecca's Halloween party (pictures in frames). Her roommate mark dressed up as Artie (the strongest man in the world!) from the adventures of Pete and Pete, certainly a favorite. Ian and I had the opportunity to walk the Brooklyn bridge this weekend while scouting for dport7. Check out the pictures of that too. Sunday kate ian, and I went to see the Squid and the Whale . In a word depressing. It's about divorce and that as we know can be sad. It focuses on the kids and their trauma. Moral of the story? Kids are easily traumatized so don't have'um.
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