So it's the last day of 2005, thank god right? to say the least this year has been a bitch for the entire world. I could name off all the disasters but then the entry would just get too long. I have no words of wisdom for 2006 and i have no happy new years pictures for you (yet), but from the entire staff here at dport7 and all our delegates around the world we wish you and yours a very happy and safe new year.
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So today is the last day of my tour here in Ohio. I'm in cincinnati waiting for dr. john to get back from the hospital. Then it's on! I'm ganna have the best crappie pizza in all of ohio Donato's Pizza. I love it from my days here in cincinnati. It's really the only thing i loved about cincinnati. After the pizza who knows things could get crazy. although after being in the car with both my parents all day i'm exhausted. They really seem to take it out of me. Anyway Donato's
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So as stated earlier (yesterday) i told you all that i was all set to make a steady cam so that we could get better shots for future dport7 movies. We went to our local hardware superstore here in defiance and found all the parts we needed. My dad was just psyched to have a project. once returning home in no time at all we had a steady cam all built and ready to go. Check out FRAMES because i posted pictures of the process I also spent an hour today visiting extended family here in defiance that claims to miss me, although whenever they have a chance to visit with me they prefer to talk to each other than ask me anything. WOW. It's good to be home. Oh and thanks to my old roommate joe rock for finally joining dport7
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Well merry christmas everyone i hope everyone got everything they wanted. i just read that jenn got her nano, so did my brother john. I got finalcut express and i learned how to make a steady cam. so with any luck we'll see big things from dport7 in the new year. I had a great christmas back here in ohio, it turns out that my grandma has a huge new HD TV which is unbelievably big. I think like 42", to say the least, off the chain. Saw the family and everything seems to be going well. Now I just have to survive a week in defiance and back to NYC for me just in time for new years. oh and by the way if you haven't downloaded dumpy the dport7 elephant yet give it a try.
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Well i have some good news and some bad news. So the mta transit strike kinda ended. Although they didn't reach a deal they did decide to get the trains running again, so that's good. The bad news is, as you can see the coo coo ca-choo t-shits were a disaster. To be honest I don't really know what happened. Sometimes the process i use works great and sometimes for no reason at all it's a catastrophe. So oh well maybe next time. For all of you that were hopping for a Anne Bancroft shirt for Christmas I'm sorry but as soon as I get back from ohio I'll give it another try.
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So it's day 2 of the MTA strike on New York City. Many of you may be wondering how I'm handling it all. Well I'm trapped in Brooklyn with nothing to do except work on the powerbook. Surprisingly I've gotten very little work done. Ian and Kate have continued their commitments to work and the rest of New York seems to be doing the same. My only real concern now is getting the coo coo ca-choo t-shirts done. I'm heading out today to find a art store in park slope. Other than that I've been sitting around thinking about the strike and all that keeps running through me head is this!
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So the new york city transit the MTA
is on strike today. I'm sure you've heard. I was not effected, i took the rest of the week off because it's the end of the year and i had the vacation days to do it. Kate and ian although were effected, they both planed not to go in if the transit happened. Unfortunately for both of them duty has called and they had to unwillingly answer. You might think that I'm board here alone trapped in Brooklyn but no I'm resurrecting the delight design project from last year. I decided the logo needed an update before I jump back into the flash. Oh never fear as long as the internet doesn't go on strike I'll be fine.
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call your mother and tell your brother we are back in black. No the blog hasn't been fixed completely I just moved it to kate's scad server. With a little help from jenn why? Because she's super educated she's smarter than spock. Now dport7 can live again. Just in time for Christmas. I'm sure I'll have lots to blog about so let's get the numbers back up people. In other news, it's the end of the year! So to remember 2005 we have decided to produce a shirt. Anne Bancroft or Mrs. Robinson died this year and to send her out in style dport7 is making t-shirts to remember a women who's eyes could cut glass, and sleep with her daughters boyfriend. I made the image below and if you CLICK on it you to can join dport7 and make your own coo coo ca-choo shirt to say good bye to 2005!!!!!!!
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so it appears our friend Uncle Urb has dropped out of the circle of blogging friends. Will he be missed you ask?...... Well kinda, remember his last update be for shutting down was in August so he was indeed neglecting his site. And sure the links didn't really make sense but other than that I was a huge Urbn Cowboy fan. He will be sorely missed and his work will not be forgotten.
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So last night i was suppose to go to the Tree Lighting in Rockefeller Center with special guest Rod Stewart. Around 2pm i get a call from Ian saying he had VIP tickets to the Daily Show. Oh man i was like sorry rod and tree i gotta go. Ian's friend TJ and his wife got the tickets and their other friends couldn't make it. So i dipped out of work around 4 and met up at the studio (which is conveniently right next to were i used to live). The show was great Jon Stewart seemed cool he came out and talked to the audience a little before the show. It all went so fast i barley remember being there. If you have like 3 months to wait for tickets i recommend it. Although you have to live in NYC because they email you your show date the day before you go. Oh fun.
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