another weekend gone, but not wasted. saturday ian's scottish boss ian (they have the same name) invited us all along with like 15 others to a addressing of the haggis. this means that he reads a scottish poem to a newly cooked haggis and then cuts the bloated sack of meat open in a defiant stab. It was held in a beautiful house in brooklyn, and we all drank too much wine and scotch and screamed in scottish accents. I read a scottish poem and wore a kilt. i was a sight, kate looked great in her scottish outfit and ian look..... well pink. pictures soon.
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So that's it i can't take it anymore. i think it all started with ben and jen and now it's like a process. a runaway train to over exposure, a train i want to get off. if you don't know what i'm talking about your dead. F'n brad and angelina. To be honest i don't care if their good people, I don't care if they adopt children,i don't care if they're attractive. FYI I got a cold sore looking at a picture of angelina in a people magazine last month. Everyday on the way to work i walk past the magazine stands and all i see is issue after issue about their wedding or children or that one of them took a dump one time. i found myself today missing TOMKAT yes for real. now that was good times. atleast tom is insane and in an entertaining way, although he is glib but i don't care.
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oh dport7 faithful I don't know what to say. i feel as if life may have hit a stand still. the fun gauge reads empty and i can't find a service station to fill the fun tank. hence no pictures in flicks and no blogs about good times. the last thing I did was go to the moma. which I know on it's own is kind of a event. we went to see the pixar exhibit and needles to say it was impressive. although the amount of children yelling and screaming and pushing made it hard to really see anything. it's official i still hate children and with any luck they'll disappear.
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at long last the dell computer (that i hate) works, all the software i needed it to run and all the hardware, working fine. It's only been 8 months but now it's on. That's all I can say.
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I love MLK day. 1. he was good guy 2. I get his birthday free from the ugly confines of work. So what did I do to celebrate today you ask. Well Kate and I went shopping to fuel this great countries unsegregated economy. I got 2 new pair of Levi dark no fade straight leg jeans. What can i say i think the pre-faded jeans are cheating. We looked for some new shoes for me, boots for her, and had no luck at all. In other news we all went to see Match Point last night (the new Woody Allen movie) To my complete surprise it was pretty darn good. I've seen Woody Allen movies before and I can safely say all the one's I've seen suck. Why is this one good you ask, because he's not in it and Scarlet Johannson is. Nuf said.
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So I got ilife lastnight and so far I'm a bit dissapointed. The new features are kinda lame and there aren't many to speak of. I mean iWeb is cool and all but as we know i already went through the trouble of learning to make a website (the hardway). I did start a photocast but knowing that most of you don't care or want to buy iLife06 it kinda makes that feature suck too. Although if you want to check it out i just posted some random pictures and if you want to check it out you can use NetNewsWire and put in this address http://photocast.mac.com/
donkey88/iPhoto/paulcast/index.rss it will auto update because of the magic of rss. I checked out i movie and it seemed ok but I realized that i got taken by apple on this one. That's ok though. It was great to see some of friends at the apple store rebbeca and alyssa. anyway, in other news kate just got tickets for billy joel and she is about to pee her pants. So on march 4th will be at madison square garden dying young.
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2006 has started off pretty slow. Although the bright spot in this mundane week has been the announcements at mac world on tuesday. Yes that's right iLife06. is out and with it some cool new stuff that could infact enhance your dport7 user experience. Mainly the features offered in iWeb. A new online slideshow feature using ajaxs that could make the frames on dport7 much cooler. I'm going to try and go pick it up tonight from my local apple store and I suggest you do the same. Because you know you want to get my photocast ho. that was the most toolbag shit I've ever written, sorry
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So bad news, no war movie. I know I know I said it was going to happen but low and behold you would be a tard if you took any kind of camera with you to a paintball field. I my friends am a tard and did take both my cameras along with my newly build steady cam. Sadly I was not allowed to bring them to the field of fake war. The day was fun and I'm sore from head to toe. The only thing that was weird was the ref's that guide you through the game are the biggest dungeon and dragon type nerds I've ever seen. This is strange because those kids are usually over weight and hate to get ten feet away from a twinkie. It's like this game has sponned a new generation of super nerd that sees war as his or her chance to safe the world a defeat an evil war lord from another land. oh god. Check out the the team photo it's kinda slop they would only take one shoot. Oh and for all you apple fans today is mac world so all the new stuff is going to be announced from 9am to 10:30am pst. click here to enlarge picture
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So the blog is acting funny sometimes it posts and sometimes it claims it can't. In short I'm thinking blogger may not be the best idea anymore and moving to another service might be in the cards if i can keep all the comments and archives. Anyway in other news it looks as if i may be heading out this weekend to play paintball with Ian's office. Yeah, Nice ltd is taking an office paintball trip. They needed a alternate, so I'm in. So lastnight apparently there was a powerbook disaster at kate's house. So the story goes one of the cats knocked a vase of flowers full of water on to her roommates powerbook. The computer was on so it fried. oh so sad. moral of the story lose the cats and invest in legless dogs. right brian? call jargon scott he's go a bunch.
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So it's 2006 and not much has changed. I have a load of resolutions that I have made, as always. Things here in NYC have started out rainy and cold, along with what seems to be a city wide illness of flu and colds. With any luck at all this year will see the completion of the delight design website which has already lingered for a year. Check out the FRAMES for new years eve pictures, and do it soon because 2006 FRAMES will be posted soon. I'm not sure why I'm posting this seems to be pretty mundane.
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