the winter has broken here in new york and with it brings smiles and skirts. What does it mean for dport7 you ask? Well it means new features! Because so many of you love the frames page of the site and have mentioned that you would like larger pictures. The powers that be here at dport7 have installed a new SLIDE feature. Check it out in the frames page right next to the 04" 05" archive. Click on "slide" and enjoy the new feature rich interface. Try all the buttons because there are different shows to explore or let the entire thing play. I hope you enjoy.
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ahhhh as another weekend draws to a close I scratch my head and wonder what happened. aaron and allison were lovely house guests and the staff hopes that they had a good time. sadly on saturday i started to feel a bit sick and had to cut the fun in half by going home half way through the day (felt kinda flu like). Kindly they came back to brooklyn later even though I'm was a bit sick and we had a good hangout evening. ian got a new fish named franklin and some were more excited about it than others. franklin looks strong and made i through the night so i think we have a keeper. i'd like to thank all of the house guest from the last two weeks for coming to visit i had a great time and hope to repay the fun soon.

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i'm right on the edge today.........

in other news aaron (uncle urb) and allison (uncle urb's girlfriend) are here, and to be honest every time I see those two I wonder how i live without them...... true story.

new hobby = body sculpting, might be fun......

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so yes today is a all new dport7 and I'm uber excited. check it out and enjoy it. new content is on the way. for all of you that needed new frames check it out. don't forget about the old days check out the fames from the last two years!!! i love dport7. there may be a launch party soon! Oh and special thanks to jen norwood for helping this happen!!!!
this last weekend brian lauvery was here to visit. We had a great time, just like the old days except now i have to struggle to keep up. i showed brian around brooklyn and we took in the night life of the city. we went to rebecca's bithday party (happy birthday) and even took a last minute visit to queens to see kate. WOW what a ride. the entire staff thatnks brian can't wait till next year and my trip in may.

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I know it's been a while and i'm sad to say that not a lot has happened to blog about. the weather here in NYC has been nice for a change so kate and i went to the park on saturday which was great. The sun improves my mental health. be warned if your trying to call kate she got a new phone and a new number so sender her an email or something. Dport7 police forbids me from posting phone numbers and pulse i know most of you love to prank call. kate's a busy person and don't need that shit. Lastly your friend and mine jen norwood had a birthday on saturday and we wish her a happy one from the dport7 staff.

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so last night was billy joel. he looked as best as could be expected but sounded great. i was impressed infact by how much life and heart he had in his voice. Although a short and stubby man he did his best to move around the stage. A task he did with little ease and great effort. The piano appeared out of the floor of the stage and bill appeared on stage in the dark to start the show with a long island type power I've never seen. He indeed played just about everyone of his hits and of course ended with piano man. i said before i went that i didn't think billy was what you might call a "rock star", but infact his music is filled with strong 70's and 80's type stadium rock power and I left the garden a believer. thanks billy and kate, who i've never seen happier.

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