on wednesday night my friends i went on a boat ride around manhattan it was a work thing. As most of you know i never talk about work on the blog, but i'll make an exception for the boat trip. it was a beautiful ride. we started on the east side of the island up around the 30's and went all the way around to the west side I'd say in the 80's or 90's. Luckily I've started to hang out with a couple of people at work and feel a bit more comfortable in social settings. the boat was pretty large three floors including the top deck were most people spent the majority of the trip. they served dinner and needless to say had an open bar. For some reason the team I'm on likes to think of themselves as the toughest drinkers in the agency. By the looks of how the night ended up I'd say we are. The boat docked at 10pm and then off to the after party. After that i can't really recall much else. In the picture is my friend kari I had know idea she was doing the licking face pose.(click on the picture for the slideshow)

in other news have no fear the ipod issue got resolved this morning. I went to the soho store and it turns out one of the sectors on the drive had gone bad, so they replaced it. Hooray!......... is anyone else noticed that blogger is getting really slow and is down a lot?

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check this one out my ipod broke. yes my video ipod broke. I plugged it in to sync up and the sucker can't do it. I did a restore and it only makes it through about 180 songs before is freezes up and gives up. now a lot of you maybe thinking "so what paul" and your right but I depend on that little guy to get me through the day. sometimes you just need to hear a blur song right? ok well just thought I'd keep you all informed... oh by the way I'm going on a boat ride tonight and maybe I'll take a picture or two.
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so this weekend had no plan but i had fun. on friday had a beer with ian and then took off to cool country (Williamsburg) to meet up with my old apple friends brian and brian at barcade. played some old video games and had more beers. then off to meet sara and free pizza with every beer. theme of the night was beer. anyway saturady saw "the great new wonderful" kinda a ok movie in my book. a bit disjointed and kinda unexplained. oh before that i was cleaning the kitchen and used my isight camera to make a time laps movie. it was cool. anyway after the movie nicole and I went to cool country again to see a band a warsaw play. the band was liars and they were in a word...poopy. sorry to all you liars fans out there.

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is it hot in here or is it just me!! man out of no where nyc decided to turn up the oven. is it killer hot everywhere else? no luck with central air any where in the city, and I think last years window unit we had in the old place died by the end of the summer....... just in case you wanted to know......

in other news the other night we rented kiss kiss bang bang with robert downey Jr and good old val kilmer. it's one of those movies that if your a downey Jr fan (like me) than you like the movie. I know drug use is not cool but that guy makes it pretty awesome......... In other movie news... it's that time of year here in nyc, film crews are all over the place. The last few days on my way to work there's been a shoot just down the street, and last night on my week night ride around the park there was a set. To be honest this is my favorite part of living in new york. seeing all the cameras and rigging and lights that go into shooting. I snapped a picture in prospect park last evening of all the floating lights they were using. Super cool scene, sorry no famous people.

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so was it a crazy weekend? No not really. Took things pretty slow. although the one semi exciting thing kinda happened on saturday. kate and i were hanging out in central park trying to get rid of our whitness and we saw a r_list celebrity. yes a reality tv personality. If your part of the MTV generation you'll know this joker from the first season of the real world. yes the new york one. not the san Francisco one. I think the dudes name was eric and he was the all american jock type. since the real world days he's hosted the grind on mtv and been on numerous mtv realworld type challenges. so why not a better picture. well kate (who loves any type of celebrity) thought of getting a photo with him but then decided that to give him the satisfaction of being recognized for being a mtv stooge was more than either of us could bear. this dude was clearly trying to get attention hanging out in the middle of the park doing hand stands and running around. maybe though i'm just jealous I'm not that tan. this could be the gayest picture on dport7......ever......

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passed out on the Q train last night. almost ended up on coney island at 2am. it's all the pbr's fault. i love u pbr! i'm sure i was quite a sight.

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man oh man the weekend. so i decided to take friday off because work was slow and for some reason i felt like i needed it. so thursday night i called rebbecca to see what she was doing (she too has fridays off). We made plans to hang out. I decided that i wanted to ride my bike on friday so when rebbecca called I said I was going for a ride and then I'd be over. she told me to just ride to her house. I was thinking it was going to rain, but she said it was more punk rock to ride in the rain anyhow. so i google mapped my route and I was off. Unfortunately i had a slow leek in my back tire and by the time I got to the Manhattan bridge I had to walk the bike. I found a bike messenger and he helped me out. I was back on my way. I had a good ride over all. Although when I was weaving through traffic on houston I almost ran smack into a chrysler 300m. close call. rebbecca and i hung out the rest of the day drinking beer and talking about apple and her rabbit rose. we then went to ian's office bbq because of all the free stake that is usually there. sadly they got a need smoker grill and by 11pm the food was still not done.

So saturday kate and i hung out with rebbecca again. her boyfriend cool ethan was having tattoo problems and sadly could not join us. we went to yet another free bbq that didn't quite work out. all the kids were really indi and we just kinda left. we spent the day in yes my mortal enemy williamsburg although we had a great time. i'd tell you all about it but you probably stopped reading already, and I had typing. if you want to know more call me and the stories get better.

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so a per usual it's raining here in nyc. this is what kills me right. I have a human size normal umbrella. for some reason there are a certain breed of jackass out there that feels their right to stay dry is more important than anyone else's. the span of their umbrellas reach is in a word gross. they pass through the rest of us like a bull dozer of self indugence. is it some kinda status symbol i don't understand or is it just pure disregard for the rest of the world? if your one of these big umbrella bastards get over your self. chances are no one likes you. not even your dog.

second what's with apple putting out the U2 ipod again. I didn't like that thing the first time. Oh.... and trust me anyone that likes U2 enough to buy a U2 ipod has either been murdered or drown in a bath tub.
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oh the faithful the time is here. yes, yes.. the first batch of dport7 t-shirts has just been sent. I dropped them in the mail during my lunch break. in a few days run out to your mail boxes and look inside for the most exciting surprise of 2006. Those of you that haven't sent your information in for a shirt.....get on it. All it takes is a comment on the blog every once and awhile and you to will get the gift of pure fun. so take a minute and click on the tshirt button, don't be afraid even if I don't know you or whatever might be holding you back! it's all about spreading the dport7 propaganda.

Oh one more thing. Please Please Please, send me a picture doing you best dport7 pose when you get your shirt. I'd like to start a dport7 shirt gallery. oh all this dport7 fun is too much man!!!!!
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