grab a box of tissues...... sit down......... open up an old english and pour one out because my Powerbook G4 died this morning... I'll give you a moment.............. So last night before i went to bed i noticed it had frozen and i thought it was just because i downloaded the new ilife update and had itunes running at the same time. this morning when i got up to check my email i turned on the computer and got the flashing folder and question mark. I thought it might have just been an OS corruption but when i put in my repair disks it couldn't find a harddrive. your probably say "oh man paul i hope you backedup"... turns out i'm pretty well backup but I still lost some stuff. Mainly the master copy FLA of delight design and the master FLA of the new site coffee and a danish. I'm planning to take it into the apple store on sunday of possible and with any luck apple care will replace the hard drive and maybe pull some stuff off of it (that's not likely). so be it that it's friday when your throwing back a beer this evening after work drink one for my Powerbook because it ran dport7 content along with a lot of other stuff like a hause.


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let me tell you about my weekend. it starts on friday night hanging out with they old crew from toda along with ian kate and eben. saturday was a work day on a website called coffee and a danish for a friend. its a pretty simple site i'm doing in flash and hope it kinda kicks off a simple website freelance alter ego. although i'm not officially or classically trained in web design i enjoy it very much. it was kinda nice just kinda working on the site and taking it easy all day. in the evening I met up with kate and sam to go to brian woetehoff's house for coltrane's birthday. he along with steve and a few others play in jazz groups. They had the entire band set up in brian's living room and sounded great.... on the walk over kate sam and i went to the local wine store and pick up some spirits for the party. i found these single serving bottles of 780ml red wine and thought they were kinda funny.... While at the party i drank one and half of the other. for the walk home that night i pulled out the paper bag i got them in and put the bottle with half it contents in the bag for the walk..... less then 2 blocks away from the house i for some reason was just fiddling with my hands and unscrewed the cap on the bottle (not drinking out of it)..... Then from behind me i hear hey red shirt!!!!! you, red shirt!!! it was astoria's finest running out of their cop car to stop me, a hardened street criminal...... I was charged with an open container violation even though i was not drinking it........ I was served a summons and fined 25 dollars..... so now i have to take a day off of work to go to the court house and pay this fine........ with all the crime in this city i'm sure glad they took some time out to stop me. i feel like i've learned a valuable lesson...... cops aren't given the right to use discretion when looking for crime... I was with kate and sam two girls that with out a doubt are less than trouble makers. then there's me a tall lank that was not acting out just walking home....... another thrilling representation of our tax dollar working hard to ignore dangerous crime.

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art? you would think that after going to art school and working in a design career that I would be a art lover. I tend to almost be the opposite, for the most part art annoys me. most of the time it's just some ego crazed ass clown telling you what you should like and if you don't your a idiot or "less than". I'll let you in on a bit of a secret most famous art is only famous because it's considered to be a new idea that's never been done before. although if you work in the creative field you know that's a load of poo because everythings been done we just change it slightly and call it our own.

Anyway with that rant said i bought my first piece of art recently and I'm kinda excited. We were down in soho and as you might know artists set up little stands on the sidewalk and try to sell. kate caught sight of this jem and i decided i liked it. not because of any artistic breakthroughs but for the simple reason that it is a robot with cassette tapedecks for a chest. The guy started off by telling me that he usually sells these for $220 but would be willing to go down to $150. I stopped and realized there was more than enough room to bargain. After a moment of listening to what you might call an impromptu to artist statement I talked him down to a decent number under $100 because this dude's gotta eat to. Either way I got it back and i think it may look pretty hot in the new apt.

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straight out I'm exhausted! martin, joe and kate and i were all over new york hitting every burro but staten island. kate was gracious host keeping the guys for the 4 days they visited. i wish i could remember all we did. I'll just hit the highlights. we met up with virgina bernard and went to the young designers fair in soho and saw some cool stuff. Then hung out the rest of the day just seeing different parts of the city. later that night kate and i went to see rebbecca in a fashion show for mandate of heaven rebbecca did a great job and there were a few things that both kate and I enjoyed the show. martin and joe decided to hang out in the bar and after the show we met up with them for some ice cold Budweiser's. on sunday to make a long story short we went to the Yankees game last night and the red sox's pulled one out to make for a fun game. anyway thanks for coming out here guys and send some of the pictures because you snapped a lot more than i did. for those of you that don't know these guys martin is on the left I'm in the middle and Joe's on the right. i wasn't going to but check out the slideshow for somemore old college fun.

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alrigth ok this is the longest week ever and it's only wednesday night. a couple of things though. first the new apple stuff was announced on tuesday and some of it was pretty cool. my personal favorite is the item i can afford itunes 7 with a price tag of free it's pretty cool. if you get a chance give it a download and check out some of the wicked new eye candy. one cool thing is that now if you have a 5th generation ipod you can get games for it. as you may know i don't like video games except for tetris. that shit is great. i had a itunes gift card laying around so i down loaded it. to be honest it's straight up impressive..... great on the train today helps the ride go quick. other than that it was new ipods all around and to tell you the truth i'm not alll that excited about that.

next up and i'll keep this short i signed the lease for my apt. this evening and it's pretty scary. it's official ian and i will be parting ways for good. for those of you that will miss ian he can now be found on the west side of manhattan behind the opera house and from what i hear it's a hot little studio. please please please hold your email about this it's too late to stop this split. it was bound to happen sooner or later. i've been told i can be a bad influence so ian maybe getting out just in time.

lastly and some say most important my old friend martin schmedt and joe sanders are cruising into town tomorrow for a visit and to be honest it's been a long time maybe too long. what are we going to do you ask? well like any self respecting college friends we will try in vein to relive the past and with out a doubt hurt ourselves in the process. here's a shot of martin and jenn from way back sadly I don't have all the old college pic's and so you'll have to wait till later to see jo and me. long live beer funnels and the party porch!!!!!

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so i know it's been a few days but life has been busy and full of intensity. all the content for you dport7 faithful lies in the wedding of my good friend phil and (now) leena anderson. kate and i went to their wedding on september 3rd in sandusky ohio. It was a dual service first a traditional hindu service then a christian service. i was in the wedding and enjoyed the experience even though it just involves standing. Anyway click on the the picture below and check out all the pictures. there was lots of parties and lots of fun thanks phil and leena...... oh at the end check out the pictures of my mom's kittens when i stopped by the house.

In other news the move is on the way. I've got a one bedroom in the same building. The apt is huge but it's a bit expensive. I'm living a bit above my means but i'm hopeing for a raise in november an with any luck that will help but i can't be sure that will happen. Anyway the the place is huge almost too big and I can't wait to get my stuff down there. It's on the fourth floor and i don't really have a view but it's a give and take in this world and I'm taking a big space.

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