So how about a general update, things I've been meaning to mention but haven't gotten around to.
First up and always top of mind i have a dport7 treat update for you. as we all know dumpy has gone missing from the site and is feared dead after the site redesign. to fill that gap the IT staff has finally gotten around to producing a killroy version. if you don't know what this means it's a osx icon you can place on the right hand side of your dock to give you an express connection to dport7.com. it's like a web bookmark in your dock. so DOWNLOAD it now and drag it to the dock then place the one that remains on your desktop into your documents folder.

I have a couple of websites to plug. first (and I'm really late on this one) is dport7's own professor (formerly uncle urb) and allison are tying the not and he's dedicated a website to keeping you up to date on the entire process. check it out and for the love of god sign the guestbook they love that.
second is a little site called heats and laserbeams. it's my fast friend steph calvert and her newly married self. she's been liked on dport7 for a while but i wanted to alert you all to her new improved site. take notice it have robots. hummmmm the influence of dport continues????????? probably not.

Lastly last night i was out to a co-worker's birthdays birthday party down on the lower east side. the bar was called ACE. man was it packed. unfortunately all there was room to do was hold a beer close to the vest. as you may know i'm a tall drink of water and i need to stretch my shit out. if the music is good this lanky white boy needs room to move. lucky for me the music wasn't very good. spent most of the night making fun of this guy playing pool who couldn't figure out weather to wear his hood half way on or a hat..... tool bag.

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so people have been asking me if I'm flattered. yes of course i'm flattered. i mean i've been working on dport7 for a while now, working to get members and keep interesting content flowing from the bowels of this internet out post. it's been said to copy someone's appearance is the highest form of allegiance and i can do nothing but thank the young pop princes for adopting the new official hair style of the dport7 staff. it was risky when i took the clippers to my own scalp but the risk hold 10 fold for miss spears. people keep asking me if i like the fact that she's showing the world her dependance on dport7 and i can only answer that i'm honored and "lucky" to have a member with such star power. if nothing else i feel as if dport7 will give the young mother something to share with her two young children. the site has been a father figure to confused teen princes of the past and we are proud to be the future foundation for the teen rehab stars of the next generation. if you boil it down i think we can all agree that i look a bit better in such a style but miss spears's head may still be in shock.

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so after fighting for an entire week i finally feel a little better and may be beating this cold.
but dude check out the snow today.... with all this global warming talk i was sure that I'd never see snow again. although today my fears eased and the chile of true winter weather fell from the sky like post apocalyptic ash. it usually seems like the bulk of snow falls at night but today it just fell like ice razors all day. The bonus of this all was that i got half a snow day at work. an email went around from the president saying we were closing the doors a 3. this will probably be the last snow day i ever have so i enjoyed it. man i'm sorry this is a pointless blog posting. happy v day from the staff.


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so if you haven't heard it's cold and flu season. and it got me on wednesday. i went down hard and didn't even get to stay home from work because i had so much due. hey that's the way of the world though. the thing that really upsets me though is that i'm sick here over the weekend. i like so many other cherish my weekends like gold handed to me by god with the explicit intent to try and have some fun. to pass the sick time i finally got around to watching Snakes on a Plane....... I've been thinking about watching this one for along time and never got around to it. was it good you ask? well if you go into to it knowing its a fluff pass of time movie then you'll like it.... i thought it would be a bit more 80's campy. it was but in a less intended way. what makes something 80's campy? 1. stupid 2. pointless nudity 3.bad music 4. hot chicks 5. Booger......... Snakes on a Plane only really had 1 and 2. In short download it on bit torrent save your money, but don't be too mature to enjoy it. oh yeah i put a clip of the best part of the movie in here for you to enjoy as much as i did..... oh wait more copyright infringement.

I've also relegated myself to watching vh1 classics 100 1 hit wonders again. check out the list and save yourself 5 hours.

(double click to play)

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does your apartment remind you of a prison. mine does... white walls no posters no art just off white. it looks like you just moved in last weekend and when people come over they flip you a quarter and tell you to get an education and do something with your life..... well dport7 faithful i found us a solution that could possibly be free. it's called rastorbator. It's a online app that let's you take any image under 1MB and turn it into a wall mural. It takes the image turns it into dots so you get an optical mixed huge wall poster of just about any image you want. i did a test this morning and it worked great. so if you have an office job with a fast laser printer this is the cool, stay a little late and print out a 40-120-1000 page mural before you go home...I'm still looking for the right image but when i find it I'll let you see what i've done.

here's an example of what i'm talking about... so get ready

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copy write infringement is a load for hose puckie man..... I know a lot of you could care less about this stuff and to be honest i usually don't care either.... however last week viacom turned the screws on youtube and demanded they pull done 100,000 videos from the site clamming copy write infringement..... now i'm note really a huge fan of youtube either. most of it consists of highschool kids lip sinking and video's of scuba diving cats. but the one and only thing i loved about youtube was it was the only place left on the net to watch silf and olly.... the show that defined a generation... so on saturday i was feeling a little down and though "why not watch some sifl and olly to cheer me back up" I go to you tube do my search and find it's been "taken down because of copy write infringement".... this is bullshit man!!!!!!! I love that show and now viacom has to come along with their pack of lawyers to be mr killjoy for young america....... here's what i'm saying if they release sifl and olly on DVD i would buy it in a heart beat, but THEY HAVEN'T DONE THAT!!!!!! what has this world become? i'll tell you, a bunch of greedy toolbags unwilling to let people appreciate others work with out paying every sent they think they're owed.... I think the moral of the story here is if your ganna be greedy for the love of god at least give me the chance to pay for it!!!!
in honor of sifl and olly and copy write infringement here's a clip i ripped from youtube just last weekend.... it's one of my favorites and i'll miss all the fun we could have had together youtube (tears fall to the keyboard)

(double click to play)

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