Ok everyone it's time for the spring time dport7 super charge. First off THE STICKERS ARE HERE!!!!!! as you can see I'm excited. i've got 1500 so i'm ready to hand them out to you the dport7 faithfull to spread them around your respective cities. i was thinking they should be in every dive bar bathroom in the nation, but i'll leave it up to you. so send me an email with your address and i'll get some out to you.

Second and this is HUGE i have added a crazy cool magic like feature to the frames section. i decided not to bring back the slide show this year because it was just too slow. so instead i installed this thing called lightbox. I could explain it but check it out for yourself. The main thing is that for it to work you have to let the entire page load before you click on an image. for the nerds out there the entire effect is done without flash it's 3 external pages of javascript. CRAZY!!!. I really like it and i think it finally makes the frames page works the way it should. please enjoi and let me know what you think.

Last (and this was awesome) on thusrday i went to see my new favorite singer/songwritter Corn Mo. this guy is uber tallented and if you get a chance to see him take it he puts on a great rock show and if his band is with him (.357 lover) it's even better and more intense rock. nicole and ian joined me at the knitting factory for the show and even though they wern't as crazy onto it as i was i think we all agreed it was indeed worth the time and money. i kinda nerded out and got my picture with corn mo. nicole was trying to be cool about it and talk for a while and then take the shot but all i could think of was blogging with a picture of me and corn mo. i'm a tool

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being that this is robot heaven i thinks it's high time we had some more robot content. i found this today and was delighted....

for real when the little guy started jumping rope i freaked out


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ok so i was on a tear this weekend. went out on thursday night with ian and mark to this great bar called heather's . i've been there a few times and always enjoy the interior and the beer. I took friday off and recovered from the night before and then joined tyson and the toda crew for a while night on the lower east side. we went to good world which i highly suggest to everyone. it's a bit expensive and slightly pertinacious but they have the best burger and fries in the LES. after getting started there we streamlined the crew and headed out to rock. visited a few more placed saw kid rock and had a dance off at some bar that i keep ending up at but never remember the name. kid rock not exciting kinda sucks looks like a tool. the dance off was difficult and impropt to but in true out of know where paul style i pulled out the moves and even brought back a few break dancing moves from back in the day. i always have the advantage in a dance off being that i'm a tall white bald white kid. that's what so great they never see it coming. anyway I'll post some shots in the frames. last night hung out with ian and kate and stopped in to see rebecca for a impromptu birthday party. saw some old friends had a good time but was out of gas and had to go home.

:::UPDATE::: check out what happened in Astor Place today it's crazy

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over the last few years i've realized that march is probably the worst month in the northern east coast area. it's the fluctuation of weather. just friday the yearly march ice snow happened.....not cool.
the weird thing is (and i just realized this) that there are a lot of birthdays in this month.
I got two more. happy birthday from the dport7 staff to phil anderson and rebecca.
if your board check this out I really liked it!

(double click to play)


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crazy martin schmedt was in for a visit this weekend. for a job interview, we hung out on friday and ended up at the turkey's nest in williamsburg brooklyn were you can get a Styrofoam cup/bucket of beer for $4.50. it's a dangerous this the bucket of beer but I knew i had to beware because saturday i was leaving for paintball at 7:30am........in the picture martin took advantage of my short hair and gave me nuggies and that wasn't cool.

man oh man am i exhausted. it was the second annual Nice (ltd) Paintball trip. just like last year i'm still out of shape and now i'm feeling it today. i always wonder why i put myself through getting shot and bruised. to be honest i'm not sure i guess it's just the excitement of trying to survive in the game. either way i always lose weather by getting shot or the next morning when i wake up in old man crippling pain. the good new is that i had a great time, nice is always a great group to go with and and my team was strangely very talented. looking back I don't know is i successfully shot anyone.

and of course HAPPY birthday Jenn Norwood. show'n another year how it's done.


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so it dawned on me the other day that the pictures for 2007 have been lacking. i had thought that putting up the same old shots of me with all the people you've been seeing for the past 2 years had gotten old. the sad part about this is that these pictures are the only kind of pictures i take. I'm bad at arty type shots and to be honest i don't do any that interesting that would encompass cool photos. i spent saturday out with the swanson brothers and then in brooklyn with the toda crew. it was a good day of party and the pictures followed. for now i put them in the frames section. per my laziness i haven't started a new "slideshow" for 2007. if no one cares i might just let it go for this year, or maybe not. anyway check it out I had a polar bear mask.

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