i don't even know how to start..... ian (newly hired unpaid dport7 unpaid intern) and i went to charlotte north carolina last week (wednesday) for our good friend and yours prof. and alison's wedding. i'm exhausted...... ian and i were running on all ten cylinders to make sure that aaron never wanted to be single again. the wedding was beautiful and the bride (alison) was stunning. the bachelor party was done right with an all day even involving everything from paintball to a yard of beer and more. aarons dad received the spirit award for his paintball talent and his over all ability to hang... along with a strong showing of dance at the reception. i'm working on editing the over 30 minutes of video we took over the weekend so if you don't see yourself in frames have no fear your represented in the film.
lastly the funny/scary story from the weekend came right after the reception when we got back to the hotel. ian chris and i went down the block to pick up some beers for a little after party. after finding a gas station we picked up too much bud and headed back. as we were walking out through the gas pumps i heard so young ladies holler out at us. I figured being in tuxes this was bound to happen. thinking fast and impaired i quickly talked them into giving us a ride back to the hilton. as soon as we started to drive tia and taylor started to hand us their business cards. in a cloud of confusion asked what it was all about and they informed us that they were local escorts. in a flurry of panic i told them we were all gay so they would lose interest and in a huff they dropped us off. the good news is they didn't rob us (they were small anyway) the other good news is if you ever in Charlotte over race weekend and lonely and feeling your morals loosening up you got two new Friends to call.
in summation i want to give a big thanks to aaron and alison for having us at their wedding i had a better than great time and i hope you have a happy fun and successful marriage.

WATCH THE VIDEO double click on the image!!!! (warning kinda long)

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really good and or busy weekend. got some pictures from friday night from going out to the Mercury lounge to see a friend of a friend play.... (side note) i really like the Mercury Lounge I've been there a couple of times now to see band and I'm never disappointed. kate ian and i went with some of my friends from G2. (now that i quit i can include them on the site). It's really kinda funny it seems like we spent most of the time there just taking pictures of ourselves being stupid and disturbing the bad with our antics.

saturday was good we went to gotham comedy club to see jake johnson. two other comics opened for jack and to be honest i didn't laugh that much... the first guy was just one of those angry self loathing comics. the second women was a bit self loathing but had much better bits. Jack was ok but not crazy funny. over all though I can't complain it was fun i've never been to a comedy club before and it was free. big thanks to sam..

sunday i got back on the skateboard and loved it. didn't get hurt but i'm a bit soar today....
wednesday off to Charlotte for the professors and alison big day (wedding) ian and i are heading down there to make sure everything goes smoothly and a good time is had by everyone.... we won't let you down.

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what can i say about this weekend really? it was a great time with my good friend and brother john diehl. we set out to have nothing but fun and man we did it. saturday night we challenged the party gods and won. i took john to all my favorite places and then met up with phil and the crew. all and all neither john or i was seriously injured but we should have been. as always i want to throw out a HUGE thanks to john for the visit. god knows i never go to cincinnati to see him. I posted a bunch of shots inframes so enjoy. i think they capture the essence of what we were trying to do.

in other new (and this it right out of the blue) i got a new job! yesterday nice ltd made me an offer to join them and their industrial design team..... i think it's going to be a great move. i'm really looking forward to working on projects that will be consumer facing and that you the dport7 faithful can go to the store and buy. as most of you know i don't like to write about anything having to do with work but this is a big move and those are life changing so i needed a record..... as for g2 i'll miss the friends i made there and i'm grateful for the experience....

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so i wanted to throw up a quick post. Last night dport7 had the honor of hosting John Diehl and we went out to everyones favorite little karaoke place in china town. needless to say i was in rare form and john shined like a new dime. here's a short but powerful video of us singing our signature brother song "we got tonight" by bob seger. Although the version they played was downright shitty. more to come..............

(double click to play)

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yeah so i've noticed that the little blogging community we live in has been mia. many of the favorite dport7 blogs have been dormant and un-posted for months. Am i effected you ask? yes it's slowed me down a bit. Along with the lack of fun to pass along to you the dport7 faithful. Because of the down time I've got a treat for you. Last thursday I saw this band called the scurvy pirates down at the parkside lounge (not near a park).I've posted the entire 2.45 minute video I took and if you make it all the way through your truly a hero of dport7 membership. the band was hilarious and I had a really great time.

(double click to play)


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