this week has been intense!!!! for real. besides having a big project going on at work all week i still found time to do some extra curricular activities. tuesday night kate and i were invited by nicole to the gallery party were she works. it was what you might expect from a gallery party epicly cool with a crowed that only comes to that kind of event. a few of the artists were at the party and nicole showed us around the gallery and kindly explained all the art. this shot is the space and more in frames .... check it out totally kinda art cool.

on thursday night i went to the new website launch party at TODA (check it out). for those of you keeping score today was my first job here in new york. as you know i keep intouch with some of the staff and it was great to see everyone again and be back up in the office. as far as the web site goes i think it's great it' much more information rich and a bit more immersive than the last site. i was excited.

thursday also brought the fond fair-well to the Anderson's Phil and Leena. kate and i met them for a good bye drink at the rose and stone in columbus circle. it's sad to see friends leave the city but kate and i tried hard to convince them that Burlington vermont is going to be fun relaxing and a quality of life few can afford in this town. dport7 wishes you luck and we look forward to coming up to see you soon.

friday was Eban's birthday so we were out and about. the kid made it to 24. way to go pal

lastly i sent all day saturday cleaning my apartment; a move out quality clean. it took all day but this place is a nice now and it really needed it. by the way tyson got an iPhone and i can't sleep. yeah no your right that's sad.

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so the bad new is that i'm still sick..... but i'm starting to feel a bit better tonight. which is good because if i had to go through another week of work all sick i would have gone crazy. because of this prolonged sickness my activities have been on hold and as such not much to blog about. now the good news. i received my beastie boys tickets last night along with reserving tickets to see the format in august 21 which is exciting. on saturday kate and i tried to get a bit of sun at the park and then upon kate's request went to go see La Vie En Rose a french film about the life of Edith Piaf who was a famous french singer in the 30's and 40's. It was unexpectedly good mainly because she had such a tumultuous life filled with drugs tragedy and fame. that kind of movie is always good even if it's in french. i think this only proves that culture in small doses can be pretty good even though i try so hard to avoid it. hopefully i'll be better this week and will have pictures to share soon.

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well it finally happened after 6 albums and countless years of wishing your favorite beastie boys fan is finally going to see them in concert. that's right on august 9th at mc carren park in brooklyn i will be fulfilling a life long dream of seeing one of the best band/rap groups to ever rock the mic. (now a brief history) when i was in high school during the end of the grunge area and the middle of the dave matthews choke hold I found hello nasty to be a welcome change. after learning that album front to back i moved on to the rest of the albums one after another until i knew every beastie boys song released. Why? well the songs have a kind of mantra that preaches fun and being goofy and not taking things to seriously. it was just what i needed to hear back then and probably what i still need today. "Well I'm a freaky streaker like Winnie the Pooh T-shirt and no pants and I dance the bugaloo". with lyrics like that how can you not love them. New album out in july and I'm excited!!!


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ever since i got back from mexico i feel like the world is spinning. i know it's only been a week but it seems as if i haven't stopped to take a breath in five days. from being unable to return phone calls to not being able to get my last check from the old job there's just too much to do and not enough paul to do it. it may be the new job that has me feeling like this (flustered). it's going well so far, so i can't complain.
anyway on wednesday i went out with the G2 friends because it was ray's last day. he's going to work for dyson (vacuums). it was great to see everyone again even though it's only been two weeks. last night a old friend of dport7 came to grace us with a visit. the jew (jon schulman) took the bus down from philly just for the evening. kate nicole jon and i met a beauty bar had a drink then got dinner at this great pizza place you must try called Luzzo's. after dinner a quick stop at heather's to visit the only bartender in town i'm friends with. then per kate's request to go dancing back to beauty bar to dance the rest of the night away!!! today i have to take it easy.... i feel like i might be getting sick and i can't afford to be sick my second week at a new job. anyway i put up some shots from G2 and jon's visit so check it out in frames!!!

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so i'm back from cancun mexico! no i wasn't on college spring break, although it kinda felt like it. brian and i had a great time hanging on the beach and snorkeling with the fish. brian being a much more accoplished writer then myself has graced us all with a recap of the entire trip along with his thoughts on cancun...... check out the hotel resort and the snorkeling trip. ::::update::: fixed the scrollbars and fuzzy text issue with brian's recap sorry for the inconvenience.

:::brain lauvray cancun recap:::


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so just a quick post. my best old good friend brian lauvray are heading out to cancun mexico tomorrow morning at 5am. brian came in early saturday morning and we took nyc by storm before we head out. let's just say brian kate ian and i made sure the beauty bar will never be the same......... now mexico!
if you haven't seen the video from the last post yet check it out


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