kind of a weird weekend. didn't do a whole lot but felt as if things happened anyway. first off lets talk about halloween. Although it falls on a wednesday this year people used saturday night to get their costumes on and take the town. i (as I so often do) did not buy a costume this year or participate in any holloween festivities. Mainly because upon entering the store every sluttie halloween costume joke i've ever made came true. check this out. along with sexy pirate and sexy nurse some company had the gull to producer sexy parking attendant. I thought halloween was suppose to be scary. I mean couldn't we save face and at least do bloody sexy parking attendant? I know i have no right to complain but come on.

hey have you seen the trailer for the movie Juno? I saw it a few weeks ago and really got excited about this movie. It's got some of my favorite people from arrested development. It's about teen pregnancy but it looks really funny. The girl that plays the lead seems impressively talented. its always nice when a movie comes out that doesn't look like complete crap. i put the trailer at the end of this blog so you to can get excited!

In other news OSX leopard came out on Friday. To be honest with you I'm really not that excited I mean I run an old G4 powerbook and spending 129 dollars on a new OS just makes me want to buy a new computer instead. I was at the apple store on Sunday and checked it out and felt a bit underwhelmed by it. The coolest new features are in iChat but i couldn't test that out in the store. It seams like a good buy if you have a newer mac but i think i'll just wait. Although if any one out there in blog land wants to let me borrow their copy for 2 hours i won't say no.

tomorrow chipotle opens. it feels like christmas has come early!

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it's hard to describe really. when two blogs of this stature collide it is earth shattering. From friday at 9am to Sunday at 10am myself and brian lauvery/tony ritz/may other aliases enjoyed the very best of what chicago had to off. tony wrote a supurbe account of the events on suddenly struttin(believe the good things, i would never start a burrito fight). One of the highlights of the trip was a stop at threadless. Check out there site if you haven't head of it. they recently opened their one and only store in chiacgo not too far from brian. From there it was off the the best hot dog place in the world hot doug's. i had a BLT dog..... trust me crazy good. The rest of the day was spent at BOBinn a locals bar great time. i lost my grasp of concionsness at 9pm sadly and passed out on brian's friend paul's house (thanks paul). the next was more of the same good lunch some pumpkin carving and a uber late night getting to know more of the locals. also as a special surprise number2 jay purugganancame out for a few drinks a tons of fun. the kid can dance for real. Overall great time..... can't wait till next year!!!!! lots of pictures in FRAMES!!!

if you've been reading this blog for a few years, you know how i hate flying because of delays and the people i sit by, ect. this trip was with out a doubt the best experiance ever. i even missed my flight home and had no trouble getting on the next one just one hour later. along with that both flights landed early there and back. SO united good on ya!!!!!! dport7 giving credit where credit is DUE.

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mankind has spent it's entire existence disputing and speculating on the presence of a higher power (God). on a personal level i have always believe that here has to be a higher power based on the fact that keith richards is still alive. Although i had never received a sign that i felt was directed primarily to me. last friday i did. as i walked to the subway after a late night at work my prayers were answered.......... a chipotle is opening less then 2 blocks from my office. scoff if you must, but ever since i left my last job at G2 the decision has been haunted by losing the option for chipotle burritos 3 times a week for lunch. if you've never had a chipotle burrito you have been missing out on the closest thing to perfection (in the food industry) i've ever seen. What is my burrito of choice you ask? I always get the free range pork, black beans, rice, mild salsa, cheese, and lettuce. If you want go ahead and print this out so next time your near your local chipotle you can have the dport7 suggested bruitto blend. I snapped a picture for you and if i'm not mistaken it seems a if chipotle is glowing with holy spirit of restaurants..... do you think dport7 could be the patron saint of burritos? I don't know if a website can be sainted but if so write to you local diocese and tell them to vote yes when it comes up.


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so bear mountain! this weekend ian's parent's were in town and suggested going on a boat ride up to octoberfest at bear mountain. i forget that there is countryside just out side of this urban jungle. Living here working in mass produced products you start to believe the planet is dieing and global warming has brought us to our knees. All that may be happening but up state you'd never know. the land is healthy with trees just about to turn fall colors and paint the sky with a design only mother nature could create. We took a boat up the Hudson river surrounded by the palisades and rolling hills that seem to intersect each other in that distance. The entire trip that narrated by a older man with a velvet voice named john. he seemed to be straight out of the 50's with cool slicked back silver hair, telling us stories of NYC all the way up the island. After a 3 hour trip we arrived at bear mountain and only had 2 hours to make our way up to octoberfest and have a braut and beers. we did just that and listened to the band and that in what seemed like no time at all made our way back to the boat. The 3 hour ride back got cold but the trip over all was sooo great. i cant express to you how great it is to get out of this city from time to time.

in other news i'm going to chicago this weekend to visit out friends from suddenlystruttin.blogspot.com. it's a clash of the blogworld titans but in a fun way. the dport7 staff has just finished the physical therapy from last years visit so it seems only fitting to head back for another visit.


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i don't know what the deal is but for some reason posting has become difficult. trying to get the energy to write something is almost impossible. you know it goes through phases. sometimes i work on dport7 non stop and sometimes i'm almost completely absent. Listen to this pointless babble...... sorry.

So I think it was Tuesday or Wednesday I can't be sure but kate and I went to go see the new wes anderson film the darjeeling limited. As some if you may know i'm a fan of the wes Anderson movies. His films have a impressive aesthetic style and the characters are always interesting and corky. Not to mention the fact that bill murry has been in all of his movies. if you have a chance go see i don't think you'll be disappointed, i wasn't.
:::UPDATE:::So before you go see the darjeeling limited click here and download the Hotel Chevaliar it's kind of a prelude to the darjeeling limited (free on itunes) so watch it on your ipods.............

I went to hang out at rebecca's last night and saw some old friends i got like two pictures i'll put them up in fames. Oh wait check this out rebecca moved to greenpoint and has the greatest apartment. it's really set off by the HUGE and I mean HUGE deck out back. it's sick and I know for one I'd go back and hang out anytime. I don't know if jill reads the blog but good luck in africa! (she's joining the peace core to fight aids)


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