so i know this has been a few posts in a row but i've got some exciting news. Over the holiday i found a cat. her name is buttFUZZ and honestly she's the coolest. Super friendly and calm. for those of you that didn't know kate and i have been talking about getting a cat for a while but had decided to wait till after the holidays. While i was visiting family in canton Ohio i came across buttFUZZ here on my uncle's farm. Now i know what your thinking "paul are you crazy taking a farm cat to brooklyn?" The answer is well a little yes and a little no. the reason i decided to take buttFUZZ was because she is soooo well behaved and friendly. the crazy really sets in when you think about all the travel that's required to get the little guy back. Yesterday we had a 4 hour car ride back to defiance and buttFUZZ handled it no problem. With any luck the plane won't freak her out and she'll love brooklyn her new home. so in honor of the newest member of the dport7 staff i thought I'd do a little introduction video so you could see the little guy.

(double click to play)


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well everyone here it is the start of the holiday's, thanksgiving. It's never been my favorite holiday till this year. For some reason I've really looked forward to it. I guess I just needed a break from the city. Out here in defiance ohio the hours seem to go by a little slower. I don't know if it's all the kittens running around in a fury or if it's just that there's literally no one else around for at least a solid mile. either way it's a nice break. Check out the picture below, I took a quick snapshot of the annul dport7 staff thanksgiving. this year i packed up the entire staff and we all came back to Ohio for a thanksgiving to remember. Although we had to let much of the staff go due to the economic collapse the few remaining were more than happy to come along. Apparently i failed to mention that once we got here they were expected to cook the dinner. tensions seem to be running a bit high as a result but i'm sure the trip home will find me drowning in invite thankyous. Never the less We all hope everyone out there in internet land has a happy thanksgiving and remembers to eat and drink responsibly and not to get in and religious or political conversations with family members. It only leads to hurt feelings and strained relationships. not that i would know.


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So thanks to everyone that came to our open house last weekend!!!!! It was a great time. if i can get around to it i'll post some pictures. Anyway lets talk about the new dport7 news. First off i hope your listening to our podcast it's just as pointless as ever and i just posted our 12th episode. Secondly i wanted to share with the dport7 faithful the new Official dport7 robot i'm working on. As some of you might have noticed the current dport7 kilroy is a bit boxy and not very posable. As such i've been thinking for a while now about redesigning him with all the joints built in so he would be completely posable. thus a much better mascot for the site. I usually just drop this stuff on the site after i've finished but because this is going to be such a long process i thought i'd share the journey. Here is a quick rendering of the leg as you can see it's fully able to be positioned and the ball at the top will fit into the torso as (you guessed it) a ball socket joint. Stay tuned for the progress and let me know what you think.
Have a happy thanksgiving !!!

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hey everybody i don't have much to talk about but i do want to invite you to an open house of sorts over here at our new apt. So lets say next saturday then, the 15. yeah that's good. does 9pm sound good? yeah i guess...... i mean that gives time to see the place and then head out into parkslope to enjoy some night life if i wanted. good it's settled then 9pm on saturday. are you ganna send out and invite so i remember? sure just click on the image below. Oh paul you think of everything. thanks!!!
see you there can't wait!!!


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after seven years of perfecting my mind control techniques I finally was able to get Kate so say YES!!!! That's right dport7 faithful this saturday november 1 at around 3pm kate and i were at the boat house in prospect park and i proposed marriage. after a slight tear explosion she said Yes!!! and i breathed a hefty sigh of relief (know never know how these things will go). Yes if you're wondering i did take a knee, and yes I also called the Rybicki's to ask if it was alright with them before i popped the question. Although i had hopped to blind side Kate with the proposal i think she saw it coming from a ways away. She knew that this weekend was the 7 year anniversary of our first date way back in college. Also lets face it it's been a courtship of seven years, some would say it's about time. I could go on and on but you know me i'm not one to gush. We took a shot right after, and i took a close up of the ring because honestly that was the most intense experience i've ever had buying anything.

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