I know it's been a while and let me be the first to say "I'm sorry". It must be hard making it day to day without me and paul. we took a few weeks off to reorganize and for jon to move to DC. it's seems that with this time off the show really found it's roots. the most recent show released saturday has been widly halied as our best show ever. don't take it from me. listen to what one of our many listeners had to say.

Listened to the lastest episode of "Me & Paul" this weekend, and yeah, good job guys. I LOLed a number of times. People we're looking at me strangely from my laughter and I was in public. Thanks

Brian Lauvray

Whether you've loved and left or never listened to the show do yourself a favor and subcribe or resubscribe to what is being hailed as the best podcast ever or atleast the best podcast ever called me and paul.


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you know life can be pretty uneventful. so in this time of worldwide depression we all need to pull together and really appreciate the small things. the nuances of life that many bring us each a flash of joy. Last week i had such a flash with my discovery of the Mr Clean Magic eraser!!!!! People this is NO joke the magic eraser lives up to it's name. It is indeed magic! Check out the picture below of my kitchen floor the grout is black. But you get down on that Mr. Clean style and the grout is back. dport7 doesn't offically endorse much but let me say the entire staff is behind the magic eraser. give it some thought it may change your life.


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hey everybody!!!! sorry for the absence for the last week. you know what happens things get busy, I get tired. Anyway the weekend before last i participated in the 2009 Idiotarod. If you didn't gather from the website the Idiotarod is a race consisting of teams dressed up as some sort of theme then run through NYC. The object is to win by any means possible. pushing cheating and throwing of eggs rotten food or hell anything you can find is encouraged. my team was founded by (friend of the site) virgina and special guest Martin shmidt. They each add a few friend and out team turned into a seriouse team of six. It was a solid 6 to 8 miles in total, and let me say it crushed me. I'm tryong to get in shape but this race only proved how far i am from that goal. Looking back on it it was a really great time. We came in 16th out of 100 teams, which as far as I'm concerned is winning. Thanks to Virgina for inviting me to be on the team!!! I've never been known for my team spirit but I try. Oh check out the map at the end of the post for the full route!!!

In other new is anyone else sick of Beyonce? Man! I am! Don't get me wrong she is a attractive young lady but all her videos are the same and it's starting to really ware on me. I see her videos at the gym and lets just say (Beyonce i'm talking just to you now) I GET IT!!!!! Dudes cheat on you and your friends! I can't do anything about that! I wish i could but I can't. It's your life deal with it. Make a cool video. Look at Kanye West I don't really like him but at least he puts out new and interesting videos.
Thanks everyone I just needed to say that.

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