faithful believe it or not i went on a mini VACATION last weekend!!!!! kate and i joined our friends BVA, DVA, and our new friend Nicki at a beach house on TYBEE island for a fun filled weekend of old college friends, karaoke, beer, beef, pinkie masters, bingo and all other types on tomfoolery. I've posted a bunch of pictures in FRAMES that i hope you'll enjoy!! It was so great to get a chance to see my old college pals Joel and Jenn!! Being back in Savannah and seeing the students made me long for the "studio fridays" warm days and lost hours at pinkie masters. Well you can't go back as they say and i won't waste my time trying, although it does make me feel good/sad to remember how much fun i used to be. The pictures below are the entire team at different stages of the trip. enjoy.... love the kate dance pic. Oh the pic of DVA and nicki show their bingo winnings!!!! BVA also at bingo just hours before big 30. yeah that's me singing brandy. hooray!

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Hey everybody! Happy Easter!!!! Last night Kate and i did up some easter eggs with some help/attack from buttFUZZ. We bought this fancy egg kit (last one in the store) with metal leaf that made the eggs rap video worthy. Right now we are on our way to easter church. The easter bunny stiffed me again with nothing. Thanks! Although my mom did send a very nice card!
Enjoy some pics from our easter fun!!


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so did you see this? just when you thought you knew the biggest bastard in town good old Billy Bob Thornton comes out of nowhere and takes the taco. I posted this interview Billy Bob did on a Canadian radio station. He just gets mad and refuses to answer questions. To really get into it fast forward to the 6 and a half minute mark. It's so akward and revolting it's hard not to watch. If for some reason you were or are a Billy Bob fan, well I hope this changes your mind.

In other news aaron and alison came to visit last weekend and we all had a great time. One great thing about living in New York for 5 years is that after the second year most of the people that are going visit have. So by year 3 it's gravy. when people come to visit there isn't any lets go to the top of the rock or visit the moma. It's just purely hang out time. this i like. I'll try and post a few pictuers this weekend. I know alison posted some pics on the facebooks but being that i continue to boycott i haven't been able to see said pictures....
In just a week kate and i head to Savannah and we could not be more excited. I can't tell you how bad i need to get out of the city. seeing the old savannah sights is really going to lift the old spirits.

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