so happy memorial day everyone? do you wish people happy memorial day? I mean it's a holiday everyone looks forward to but it's not necessarily happy. well i mean i'm happy i don't have to be at work so i'm having a happy memorial day but the day it's self if kinda sad. with all the war and dying for ones country and all......... yeah,
Anyway last week big john diehl (johns flickr) was in town for a visit and we indeed made the best of it.... on friday we went to Atlantic City "where hope goes to die" i guess you could say everything you've head about Atlantic city is true... It's dirty slimy and a bit scary. i don't really like to gamble but john is like a young Kenny Rogers who can't sing.... He tried to explain Craps to me but some reason my tiny paul brain just could handle it. long story short we both came out ahead by the time we boarded the bus full of toothless rubes back to nyc. i was up $50 (black jack) and john was up $250 (which he won just moments before we got on the buss)...
Saturday was the Yankee's game I posted some pics in frames. the new stadium is ridiculous. i know the pictures don't do it justice but the new jumbotron is like a city block in size. It was a good game. it went to extra innings with toolrod I mean Arod hitting a homerun to win the game....
Lastly and most exciting NEW DPORT7 Tshirts and bags!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Inspired by our iphone icon the shirts and bags are hot off the press and ready for you to love them.... PAUL!!!!! How do I get one?? Well maybe if i see you i'll have one for you.... other than that send an email i guess. Can't make any promises supplys are low....... I'm excited

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Blah blah blah I'm sorry.... but hey cut me some slack i've been busy. First the big parent meet up happened. yes thats right after 7 years of dating the Rybicki's and the Diehl's met here in brooklyn. Everything went great and lots of wedding stuff got figured out. One of those wedding things was the Save The Date cards. They went out about a week and a half ago and, well..... i hope you got yours and you like it. If you didn't get one..... well i can't believe there is anyone that reads this blog that didn't receive one. If by some chance you are that someone then email me your address and i'll get one out to you post heist.
last weekend kate and i were visited by my good old friend from high school brian louis lauvray from chicago Ill. It was a nice chill visit we hung out in the neighborhood all weekend going to local restaurants and bars. We even had a little cook out on the roof. Kate and i fired up this little grill she's had forever and made a few dogs. Speaking of bars in the neighborhood the place just down from my apt "Sharlene's" just opened last week. brian had a bit of an altercation with the bar tender but i liked it just fine. Well, also speaking of altercations check out the new episode of the Me and Paul show that Brian and i taped while he was here. notice there is no Jon on this episode mainly because he bailed...... nice.....
Lastly I don't care that Kirstie Allie is fat again.

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