we lost Michael Jackson today...... I called john diehl and he said " well paul, he's been dead to a lot of people for a long time......" well done John.... well done...


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Kate and I beat the crap out if this vacation. With a just a bit over two days we pckes in a whole weeks worth of fun. Yesterday after bombing around what felt like the entire island on the scooter we went to the swanky white elephant restaurant for dinner. As always it was a delight. Kate had the tuna and I had the stuffed lobster. Today with out flight off the island leaving at 1:30pm we decided to take the early fishing trip with our old friend capt'n Mark aboard the "let's do it two". Things started off slow with the first half of the trip void of fish. After a quick jaunt beyond the bay Kate and I were ready to call it quites with sea sickness. Capt'n Mark didn't let us down and as if magic took us to a spot that yielded 9 fish in our last 20 min. Both Kate and I caught 2 fish on one cast. Kate although came out the winner with a 28inch stripper bass that was fit for keeping under Mass. State law. After 2 1/2 hours and 9 fish Kate and I were beat.
We're at the airport now with screaming kids behind us and to tires to shoot them an evil eye that would make them cry. Please god give me the strength.

Lastly it has come to my attention that here is a fake facebook account that's been set up for me. This "person" is using the name "Paul Frank" and is pretty much ripping off my dport7 posts. This is both creepy and flattering. Just beware if you friend me on facebook it's not me. Special thanks to the imposter.


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well it's day 2 and the only full day we have here on the island. So far we've beat that odds and the sun has come out for us. We rented a scooter and as always it just adds fun to the day. We've put in some beach time and have made our way around the island. We've been staying at this bed and breakfest (that shal remain nameless) but the guy who runs it is named Hazeal. Hazeal is about as crazy as they come. We have to sneak out of the place to keep him form cornering us and telling stories about the island. Jerry Stiller (georges dad on Seinfield) lives out here and Hazeal gave us a long talk about how he's not funny. Crazy!


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Well that's right Kate and I eascaped from New York in secret this morning. The photo below shows us struggling at 6am at the Jet Blue gate at JFK.

just left the whaleing museum. Ok so this is a picture of a real whale. This guy beached himself and then the locals in an effort to be as badass as the old time moby dick type whalers cut it up and made a documentary out of it. Kathylee was not involved.

what's a vacation without a visit to the Lobster Trap. Let me be clear I love lobster and went for it with the 1 1/2 pounder. Kate chose to stick with 1 1/4. Although they look exactly the same to me. I don't know what it is or how they do it but every island lobster stop I've ever been to seems to be able to re-create the same vibe and menu. Is it all one big chain? Or maybe it's worst ..... Lobster is lobster and the sweat seasoning I'd vacation makes it the best you've ever tasted.
As always dport7 has gone the extra mile for you and included the lobster eating directions for you. Along with the image of the local golden lobster god that is worshiped here. It's not weird it's a accepted division of scientology.


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Well friends it's that time of year. The weather is warm the city is teaming with excitement and your favorite party of the summer is gearing up for the biggest blow out EVER!!!!!! That's right it's SSP09. bigger and badder and more out of control!!!! The word on the street this year is enchanting. People wait all year for this party and friends it is finally here!!! Paul what can I do to help? Well that's easy just spread the word. Ask your friends if they got the invite and if not send them this link right here Save the Date. Watch your inbox in the coming weeks for your invite along with more information about time and place. It's everything you've ever dreamed a short shorts party could be. Oh and more.

::::update:::: I'm having trouble with my mass email service so if you got the Save the Date please please please pass it on so everyone sees it... I didn't forget anyone the damn intertron is to blame!!!!


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