Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!!!! The entire dport7 staff hopes you had enough to eat and had fun around the table with whoever you celebrated. We were in Brooklyn this year with our friend BVA. As you may know he is a bit of a food enthusiast so i feel as if we lucked out with his turkey making skills.. Exceptional! Kate got especially into the holiday and made 2 pies (one apple one pumpkin) a killer bowl of mashed potato's with bacon and garlic. A really delightful corn casserole that just flat out surprised me with flavor. Then to top it off her special brie and puff pastry starter... If that's not enough Kate's friend Greta joined us with a thanksgiving favorite making a fantastic green bean casserole. We ate ourselves stupid especially me. I've forgotten how tired all that food makes you. Anyway we had a great time Thanks guys!!! Posted some plate shots below enjoy!

Friday we went to see the Fantastic Mr. Fox!!!!! Yes it was indeed fantastic. It was nice to get a break from the same old holiday movie. It was beautifully done and very funny. It certainly has the usually Wes Anderson touches. He loves for a movie to be set up like a book and this is no exception. Like all of his movies it has a Rolling Stones song. I don't think anyone can denie the magic and charm that comes along with the pain staking process of stop motion animation.If you get a chance go see it. If you don't they'll stop making movies like this and it will be all your fault.... yeah!


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So on friday our friend BVA took us to a Knick's game for my birthday. Thanks MAN!... Kate was feeling a little down after a tough day at work so i got her the Knick's magic margarita. I know you can't tell from the iPhone pic but the mug lit up and flashed in a circle pattern... Who ever said money can't buy you happiness never had one of these and was a idiot..

On an completely unrelated note... Hey Meredith Vieira STOP hanging out with the chimp lady!!!!!! Or at least do it on your own time.... Listen, I feel as sorry for that lady as anyone but once is enough!!! I'm not saying you seem to have a weird fascination with it...... but I am!!


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I'm 29 today.


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Well alright, as you may have noticed our Mad Men Recap podcast has really started to pick up some steam. So when we realized that we have listeners that expend out side our family it's time to build a website.. So please be the first on your block to visit http://www.madmenrecap.com.... In true paul fashion there is no blogger templet here. It's built from the second floor up. (got a bit of help with a CSS templet). To make sure we get as much exposure as possible we have both a twitter feed and a facebook fan page which I encourage you all to join. I hope you like it. We were up late last night taping the finale episode of season 3, and I'm kinda beat. So check out the side and for the love of god get some people to join our FB fan page because right now it's just me and jen...

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Well here it is the second to last episode in season 3. We are starting to really get rave reviews. If you haven't started listening yet you are missing out my friend. This show includes the always delightful Kate, please let us know what you think!!! Oh and check out the reviews on our itunes subscription page... People LOVE the show. Now if we could just figure out how to make the sound quality better...

enjoy the show : episode 6

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I hope everyone had a happy and more importantly fun Halloween!! We certainly did! We went back to the bedsty Brooklyn party we went to last year at our friends Inbal and Ariel's place. Yes, as expected it was the best Halloween party in the city. I reprised my zombie look from last year and Kate went as Anna Wintour and effing nailed it. Our friend Megan went as Joan from mad men and didn't miss a detail she had a pen necklace and an old rotary phone for pete sake. Anyway I posted the pictures on my flickr and Kate has more on her's so check it out.


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