this is going to sound crazy but I just signed up for a triathlon. No, I didn't come up with this one on my own. Kate and Megan decided a few months ago to do this and encouraged me to get my own team together. Yes, team, it's a relay triathlon so I only have to do one part. It's also whats called a sprint triathlon so my portion the running is only a 5K. I'm pretty sure I can handle that. Although let's be honest I'm probably in the worst shape of my life. The last 4 year I've watched my metabolism start it's slow grind to a more a mature halt. The 9 to 12 hours a day i spend behind a computer hasn't slowed this process. Neither has my long time love affair with burritos. The real stinger in this story is the fact the the other two guys in the relay are effing pro's. The bike portion is being completed by my coworker Graham who commonly goes on a nightly ride of 30m miles around central park. The swimmer on the team is a friend of Megan's that swims 2 miles a day. My only credentials are hacking dell netbooks and having the 3D modeling know how to build a Fiat 500. Not helping.
What's our team name you ask? We will be called The Japanese Danger Duo.... (Duo stands for danger). Yes I understand that there are three of us. No, none of the members on the team are japanese. hence the humor.... trust me on this one. I've been asking Kate what their team name is so far no official name has been chosen. What's their line up? Well Megan will take the first (and what I think may be the most difficult leg) the swim. Kate will be doing the bike portion, and Sarah will most likely lap me on the run.
This weekend the real training begins if it's not raining, and maybe even if it is. I will test myself on a 5K lap around prospect park. I figure if I use this as my bench mark training ground even and outwardly skinny yet increasingly flabby guy like myself can at least have a good showing at this my first triathlon. I've posted a picture of roughly what I may look like on the big day.


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so I think this might have gone too far. I'v been all about this netMacNbook mainly because it's flawless. i mean check this out the SD card reader on the side even works. Now, I've only had it for 2 days but I think that buttFUZZ and Kate are wondering what has happened to me. This morning when I opened it up before heading to work I found this little note. Kate's says it's not from her and that's not buttFUZZ's hand writing. The netbook in-fact loves me? Yes, I think so. Alright I'll say it, it's not too soon..... I love you to netMacNbook.


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Hello everybody! today I'm typing to you from my new dellnetmacbook. That's right against all my better instincts i went and did it. Some of you may remember a few months ago i posted a link to gizmodo that showed you how to take a Dell 10v netbook and install Mac OSX on it. Essentially turing it into a mini macbook. Believe it or not it works great. Before I Hakintoshed it i turned it on running Windows XP and it was slow and unresponsive. After installing OSX it's like a whole new machine. It runs fast and without problem. Even the little webcam works for ichat, Crazy. So lets break it down cheapest MacBook $999, Dell 10V $300, that's right I win. The idea behind this little guy is to get the blog going again.. let's hope it works for me.

You've probably been wondering what happened to me after my last post back in january. Well I've taken on alittle hobby project. When Kate and i were in italy we saw these cool little old Fiat 500 cars everywhere we went. so I thought I'd take a shot at trying to 3D model one. with most of my experiance being in plastic bottles a car is a whole new challenge. Anyway I'll post my progress as i go. The test render here is from about a week ago and alot of work on the back of the car has been done since.

Lastly, this weekend we went out and finally got Kate a proper keyboard. If you hadn't heard Kate has played piano pretty much her entire life and always used a real and beautiful piano. Keyboards have really come along way. This one sounds great and the keys are weighted and it really feels as if your playing a real piano. next time your by try to get her to play for you she's busy shaking the rust off now.

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