hello dport7 faithful! I miss you. I know the last couple of months/year has been post light but i want in my heart of hearts to change that.. Although life won't let me. The wedding is (as it should) taking up a lot of my time. (watch you mail box for the invite in the next few weeks). then work is whipping my ass like i killed it's dog in a drunk'n rage, (which i didn't do) didn't get out before 10pm all week... So in an effort to win back a few readers i POSTED THE SSP PICS!! along with a link to jon (the jew's) personal photo page. So please relive it and enjoy.

next let's take a step into the way back machine and talk about the movie tron (nerds rejoice).. When i was a kid there was this freaky disney yes disney movie called Tron. If i remember right it was bout this guy that some how gets trapped inside a video game. really dark but visually kinda cool. big john diehl and i were fans... well the big scene from that movie was the moteercycle scene, epiclly cool and remembered by all. Well it turns out that in hollywoods infinite wisdom this year is the year for the sequel. I've posted the leaked trailer here but to be honest i'm not sure if all the cool new CG makes it that much better. i also posted the old trailer to help explain things... anyway you decide.

off to all points west, I'll try to post about that soon...

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you know the more i think about this the more embarrassing it all is really. why in your right mind would you throw a short shorts party? i've been trying for 5 years to come up with an answer to that question. another good one is why in gods name paul would you post a picture like the one you've posted below???? none of this look good. well as i struggle with that let me fill you in on SSP09. First off if you didn't make it where the hell where you? I mean Lauren Conrad from the Hills was there (lie). We had another great turn out and i think a great time was had by all... As always some were over served and some dared to show up in long pants (in a world of shame). Megan Trinidad was the official winner this year. shown below with the white spandex shorts with handprints airbrushed on the back. although altogether off putting he won in the popular vote against many fine contenders.... Listen lets take a moment to be frank... for those of you that attend the party.. I put 3 girls in the running and not one came out the winner.... guys please this is starting to look bad.... next year lets not vote another male winner it sends the wrong message about the party. none the less congratulations to brian you wear it well my friend... Anyway a great big thnaks to everyone that showed up this year i had a great time.... who knows maybe we can keep this thing alive for a few more years...... I'll try to post more pictures soon!!!


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It's that time of year my friends... SSP09!!!! the invite is out (Although i'm having trouble with the mass emailing so pass the word around!!!) anyway it's ganna be the biggest party in NYC so be sure to make it part of you social calendar because if you don't all the socialites will be laughing at you.... Don't forget this year special guest lauren conrad from the hills!!! ok that's a lie. but it's ganna be fun!!
click on image for all the information!!


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